So as a new blogger I have no idea what to do on this magical machine that sends my thoughts to thousands of readers. (ok maybe not yet but a girl can dream!)
But what i do know is I have lots of opinions and lots of ideas. A mind and heart of a writter but the grammer of a second grader.
But enough about me as a person...lets get to the good stuff
Ok not my actual sex life or lack there of at the moment...
I want to talk about the man of my dreams, the hunkalishus, perfect haired, sexiest man of my dreams (who according to my dreams is in love with me as well)

I know ladies...and gentlemen he is infact the sexiest man to walk the face of the earth!!!
Now i am not going to get into too much detail about my immaginary romance with him, but let me just say that if i were alive in the 60's and 70's i would have been his number one groupie!
Oh hell! I still want to be his groupie even though he is more than three times my age

I remember the first time i saw him. I was 15 and my now step father and mother went to see him in concert when he came to Toronto. I knew nothing about him and had limited knowledge of the amazing sound of Led Zeppelin and the beauty of his voice. Before going to the concert my step dad, steve, bought the new album "Rising Sand" (If you have not hear it GO LISTEN NOW seriously stop readng my blog and go listen!
Anyway back to the story
After listening to the CD i became facinated by the unique voice that belonged to this man. But it was not until university that i really started to think of him in a sexual way. I was sitting in Music and Pop culture...and yes if you were wondering it was the most amazing class ever offered at a university! We were watching a video when this man with the most gorgeous head of hair. I was entranced by him....BUT i think i was the only one. As soon as he came on everyone (all 500 students) started to laugh. I have no idea why....i am going to stick with the fact that they were just jealous of his lovely locks haha.
And year later i think that my infatuation for him has turned into a full force have to meet him or I will die. Ok probably not die but I would be devistated if i never got to meet my idol!! I am seriously considering leaving for England and persue him. I don't think that is too forward, do you? What i would give to be his groupie :D
Now i know a lot of people think that it is wrong to be a groupie...please feel free to voice your opinion! We are all free to think what we want and live the life we choose. Some of us would just rather live that life with beautiful boys playing beautiful music!
yes i actually did just write my first ever blog post about wanting to be Robert Plant's groupie!
Hee, hee - I'm actually a Davy Jones (The Monkees) groupie. Have been since I was five. I have those dreams of living back in the 60's too. Cute blog, thanks for stopping by mine. Following you now :)
that is also a great musician to want to be a groupie for haha. Good to know i am not the only weird one!
Thank you so much for is exciting finally starting my blog!
Today i am really very happy to see your blog.
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