
Corn detasseling....corn what?

This summer I became so desperate for money before I leave for Germany that I returned to the job that I hated with a burning passion! If you think that I am being dramatic about my hatred for it just ask my mother, i honestly use to come home and cry about how much i hated it.
I hated the heat, the older teenagers, corn rash, heat rash, how wet and dirty you got, and most of all i hated the fact that I was about 4"11 and could not reach the corn.
So i may have been 12 at that time and a little over my head in terms of doing farm labour; but would would you expect from a little girl who had the idea that the hardest thing in life was the math test compleated a few months prior to the summer of torture?
Now before you get all "but it is against the law for a 12 year old to have a job" or "child labour?" NO. It is legal for anyone 12 and older to do farm work.

It is now 7 years later and 3 inches taller and I must admit that I was basically terrified to join back into this hell they called a job.
I have actually lasted 2 weeks after today....

(dramatic pause for all the cheers i am expecting from you guys!)

And i must admit that I will be sad when it is over! It has actually been a lot of fun!
1. I don't have to go to the gym, because I am getting my cardio and arm work out from picking corn tassles and walking all day
2. I love the water and mud fights
3. It is great to have immature convos with high school boys again
4. Can anyone say Snack Pack! How i have missed school lunch food
5. I am probably the darkest I have been in years
6. I am getting freakin amazing sleep every night
7. I compleatly forgot how much i loved the school bus
8. The more tacky you dress the better
9. Getting to see teachers not in school and finding out how "normal" they are
10. I am getting so much money!!!

Now you are probably all asking yourself "what is this corn thing you speak of?"
Well let me answer that for in the the best way I know how:
-First I have to say that I am NOT picking corn. We join crews and each crew has its own small crew with a crew leader that is usually a teacher (they get the summers off and need something to do besides being lazy bums right?). The people on the crew typically range from 12-22 years of age(except the crew leader the bus driver duh!), and are usually split by ages so that 12 year olds are not picking next to 22 year olds.
We go into SEED CORN and take the tassles out of the female corn stalks so that the male corn can pollinate the female corn and so that the female corn does not pollinate with other females.
Basically we do not want the corn to be homosexual and we want the males to have sex with the females so that it can make more seeds to grow more corn.

So that is were I have been for the past two weeks. Corn and passing out while watching my favourite documentary.

Now i know you are all wanting to run out and join a corn crew after readin this; am i right? haha
But sorry it may not be possible because whenever I mention corn detasseling to anyone further north of where i live, they have no bleedin idea what I am talking about...probably because my area is the largest producers of corn in Canada.

Hope everyone else is getting to enjoy the wonderful and not so wonderful weather as much as I am!

Yay Jesus and corn! My two favourite things...



I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts!

OK so not actually coconuts but the next best thing! A couple giveaways a two very sweet blogs that you should check out!!

The first comes from MUNICH!! So i just had to post about it since I will be moving there soon :-). It is this amazing Heidi Klum shirt (my favourite model of all time!).

It is such a unique shirt that I am really crossing my fingers and toes to win...even though it would be a little large for me!

check out this great giveaway by clicking HERE. It is international as far as I know :)

The second giveaway i want to let you know about is a kinda fantastic one...get ready for it

BAM!! Prada sunglasses; cool right?

Now this one is for sure international (yay for people from Canada^^)

click right about...here to enter!

Good luck to everyone :)



Whatever will be will be, the futures not ours to see

What is it about a person that makes us desire them so much? I have been asking myself that question over and over again since I began to take interest in the male anatomy. But recently I have been wandering that exact same statement all the time.

So what is it? I honestly have no idea, but I do know that it can taint your perspectives on other males/females for years to come. I am a perfect example of this “tainted lust”. With my search for the PERFECT sexual and emotional partner, I have come up on the short side of the wish bone. Either a guy is WAY too into just sex, or for some reason most of them are just too sensitive and emotional for me. Do not get me wrong, I think emotion is a fantastic thing, (I am queen of emotions, with crying over everything) but when I start to feel like I am living in a soap opera I cannot help myself from laughing at the guy; sorry.

Believe you me I do know exactly what guy it is that has ruined the chances of others and his name is……well I am not going to give the real name , so we will call him “M”. I met him 3 years ago while I was in Germany for the summer. With his sexy accent, dark hair, and amazing kissing skills he was almost perfect. He was the first boy I ever did anything sexual with and since the day that I left I have been counting down the days until I could wrap my arms and legs around him once again!

Coming back to the reality of my life in Canada I just could not lower my expectations with any other guy. I mean come on, who can really compete with a sexy foreigner in a summer fling? I have tried, boy have I tried! I mean I was even in bed with this one guy and he was going on and on about how sexy I was and how he wanted to go down on me and the first thing out of my mouth was how amazing M was at oral. Yes I actually started talking about another guy while with one guy. The weird thing was that this did not seem to bother him…

Anyway I have kept in contact with M over the past three years and I am beyond excited to get to see him again in less than three months! I will get to spend my time with what seems like an amazing family who has generously offered me to stay in their home and work as Au Pair. As well I will be able to see the same boy who has become the object of my desire.

Maybe he will not turn out to be all I imagine or maybe he will. I am going to keep my options open on that one. On one end I could finally be over him and on another we could have an amazing passionate time; who knows! All I know is that I will be wearing the sexiest bra and panties I own when I see him next!



Good morning starshine! The earth says hello!

I love the way the earth cools into a soft breeze, gently kissing your skin after a long day of the sun beating down up on. The sounds of the birds signing their delicate songs before the sun give way to the moon. With the bugs coming out from hiding after the long day of escaping the scorching rays that send them underground. The look of the man made lights glowing on the mucky river water and the little ducks diving under, creating ripples that blur the distorted lights into something out of a Picasso painting. The occasional fish flapping to the surface; looking for something….I am not too sure what it could want from up here. The sun plunging into the depths of the earth, creating a cascade of beautiful colours across the quickly darkening sky; saying good night to my town and good morning to another.

I love the night time, it brings silence, and it brings calmness to the hectic life that surrounds you during those first 12 hours of the day.

I love the silence that seems to fill the air. It is soothing to be able to think with only the sounds of the cars passing over the bridge nearby. With the possible occurrences of a voice or sneeze in the distance. The night does not seem to judge you the way the harsh spotlight of the sun does. It criticizes you, as if placing you under the microscope of a scientist, ready to expose your every flaw. The night does not do that to you. The night softly flows over your body as if to great you in a gentle hug. It maximizes your beauty and carefully hides your flaws.

Do not get me wrong I love the sun! I love the way it can warm you up from the inside out and creates golden highlights in your hair; saving you trips to the salon. I love the beach, and the rides in the car with the windows down, sunglasses on and beautiful music flowing from your speakers.
The night is just more of a comfort to me. I guess we all need out comforts in life!

Feeding the Orphans

Well I do not and will not normally post about other blogs giveaways...mostly because I do not want to turn into a giveaway blog. (love those blog, but just not what i want)

But there is a giveaway I think that everyone should enter!

It is from the lovely blog of Feeding the Orphans.

This is what their projest goal says:
You can give to my mission to feed the orphans with a tax deductible donation by clicking the link for Matthew 10 - Project Ghana below. JUST REMEMBER TO PUT PROJECT GHANA IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. Or you can pay for my t-shirts through here, too, and send me an email with the sizes.

In my oppinion I think it is an amazing idea!

As well they are having a giveaway for TWO of their Africa shirts! So make sure you stop by and help spread the word about this amazing idea!
Tee shirts and a good cause to help the world is amazing in my head :)

So click here to visit and help spread the word...who knows you could get a free tee out of this deal ;)


Baby Oh baby baby

I was shocked last night before I went to bed when I went to check my facebook and the words;
"It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy. As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship. No further information will be provided on this subject and I request everyone to fully respe...ct my right to privacy (and that of the child) at least on issues as personal as these are."

graced the newsfeed.

And you may be wondering who these words are from?

Well drum roll please......

The talented 25 year old soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo!

At first I was in total shock....Ya right this has to be a joke, someone must of hacked into his account! But it is still up there and is quickly spreading over the internet crushing girls hearts everywhere.

I do admit that I am a Cristiano fan, well ok I adore him and I was one of those girls with a crushed heart and feelings of "noooo this cannot be true" bubbling up on the inside. But then I realized how amazing of a man he must be. Most men would not stay around to raise a child of his out of wedlock. (i hope i am using that word right...it is 10:30 in the morning and my brain does not function until at least 11:00)

He not only is sticking around the help raise the child but is going to be in his exclusive gardianship.

All I really have to say is; Ronaldo you are a great man that others could learn from.

Plus this means that ladies he is still free and most likely looking for a "good girl"! I can already hear the sounds of high heels clicking on the pavement as women across the globe rush to the nearest airport for a one way ticket to Madrid and to become the future Mrs. Christiano Ronaldo!