"It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy. As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship. No further information will be provided on this subject and I request everyone to fully respe...ct my right to privacy (and that of the child) at least on issues as personal as these are."
graced the newsfeed.
And you may be wondering who these words are from?
Well drum roll please......

The talented 25 year old soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo!
At first I was in total shock....Ya right this has to be a joke, someone must of hacked into his account! But it is still up there and is quickly spreading over the internet crushing girls hearts everywhere.
I do admit that I am a Cristiano fan, well ok I adore him and I was one of those girls with a crushed heart and feelings of "noooo this cannot be true" bubbling up on the inside. But then I realized how amazing of a man he must be. Most men would not stay around to raise a child of his out of wedlock. (i hope i am using that word right...it is 10:30 in the morning and my brain does not function until at least 11:00)
He not only is sticking around the help raise the child but is going to be in his exclusive gardianship.
All I really have to say is; Ronaldo you are a great man that others could learn from.
Plus this means that ladies he is still free and most likely looking for a "good girl"! I can already hear the sounds of high heels clicking on the pavement as women across the globe rush to the nearest airport for a one way ticket to Madrid and to become the future Mrs. Christiano Ronaldo!
Thanks for stopping by with your lovely comments, keep visiting <3
xo Lynzy
Thank God I'm not a fan LOL otherwise, I'd be devastated :D
Anyway, thanks for the update! (My gal pals are definitely gonna be crying their eyes out)
♥ ♥ ps: Check out my Erin Wasson's Low Luv giveaway. You wouldn't wanna miss it :) ♥ ♥
Shock is right!
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