I love the way the earth cools into a soft breeze, gently kissing your skin after a long day of the sun beating down up on. The sounds of the birds signing their delicate songs before the sun give way to the moon. With the bugs coming out from hiding after the long day of escaping the scorching rays that send them underground. The look of the man made lights glowing on the mucky river water and the little ducks diving under, creating ripples that blur the distorted lights into something out of a Picasso painting. The occasional fish flapping to the surface; looking for something….I am not too sure what it could want from up here. The sun plunging into the depths of the earth, creating a cascade of beautiful colours across the quickly darkening sky; saying good night to my town and good morning to another.
I love the night time, it brings silence, and it brings calmness to the hectic life that surrounds you during those first 12 hours of the day.
I love the silence that seems to fill the air. It is soothing to be able to think with only the sounds of the cars passing over the bridge nearby. With the possible occurrences of a voice or sneeze in the distance. The night does not seem to judge you the way the harsh spotlight of the sun does. It criticizes you, as if placing you under the microscope of a scientist, ready to expose your every flaw. The night does not do that to you. The night softly flows over your body as if to great you in a gentle hug. It maximizes your beauty and carefully hides your flaws.
Do not get me wrong I love the sun! I love the way it can warm you up from the inside out and creates golden highlights in your hair; saving you trips to the salon. I love the beach, and the rides in the car with the windows down, sunglasses on and beautiful music flowing from your speakers.
The night is just more of a comfort to me. I guess we all need out comforts in life!
I love me the night as well :) Great post.
What a beautifully written post. I am such a night owl!
thank you so very much you both! I get my best writting done alone outside :)
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