Can you believe that this jacket/sweater is only 29.99?!?!?! Sometimes I wish i were a guy for the cool style. Not that I am going to go full on sex change on you folks. At least if i were a guy I could dress with style and show 80% of the male North American population what ACTUAL STYLE IS!
Don't you hate when you see a girl that looks as though she spent hours that day getting ready; picking out the perfect outfit to go the the perfect shoes and purse, highlighting her hair and setting it in perfect waves, almost at a professional level from years of experience perfectly applied makeup.
And then you see the guy she is with. Looks as though he got out of bed and at least made the effort to put on a clean shirt, and I do not mean in the cute Matthew McConaughey beach bum sort of way. Or even the sexy rock star sort of way. More like your brother who still lives at home even though he is 30 sort of way.
Guys jsut expect the girl to look as though they are page 3 centerfolds at all times yet they can get away with not showering or shaving for days on end! Why kind of world do we live in. If a girl has to shave her legs everyday then I expect the guy to shave his face everyday as well. But nope guys are not expected to look "presentable" and if they do they are automatically labelled gay (aka Cristiano Ronaldo). If he were to say to the woman that he is dating that he expects her to wax or shave on a regular basis and go to the gym, well at least he is practicing what he preaches!
I know that a lot of woman out there do not like him for the fact that his hygene characteristics are more feminin than maybe our own. But at least he looks good and probably smells good which is more than I can say for the not so wonderful past guys in my life. Thank you European men and the fact that most care about how they look.
Heck Cristiano may dress in a little bit of a tacky way at times but for fuck sakes I would take a little tacky over a lot of uncleanliness anyday.
Now I don't want you to think that I am saying this about all North American men, just the majority that I have had the "pleasure" of meeting. Thank God for Europe bound in about 1 month!
Ciao Canadian boys
Hallo German boys
001. I just remembered that I am babysitting tomorow. I would complain because she is better known as the devil child, but hey it is money in the bank and will mean one more night out with friends in Germany.
002. Talking about saving the legs makes me realize just how much I hate doing it! Laser hair removel is a for sure possibility in the future because when the heck will i ever say "man i wish that i did not remove that hair on my legs because hairy legs are so in style now!"??? Not only is shaving rediculous because my hair grows at the speed of superman, making me have to shave everyday. But it is expensive to have to buy new razors or razor heads all the time. Yes I think that laser removal is the only option!
003. I will probably start missing the guys that dress like homeless people from North American after a couple of months in Europe, realizing that with them looking good most of the time means that I will need to look good as well. Goodbuy favourite sweatpants hello stilettos and matching bra and underwear.
1 comment:
love that jacket! i would totally buy it for my bf and secretly wear it from time to time :]
love your blog!
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