It was PURE heaven! I got to see two of my idols; Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger from The Doors.
It was beyond amazing and I still cannot believe that I actually got the chance to be front row and center for this once in a life time performance!!
I am sort of bummed that I did not take pictures just for the fact that I would have loved to share my experience with you all. But I cannot help it that I am not one of those shutter bugs at concerts, documenting every moment of their life through the lense of their $1000 camera. I just love to live my life and hope that my memory hold up to remember it all!
The experience was amazing though! I am in a way happy that i did not bring my camera with me. The smellof tobaco,lite dubies, alcohol, sweet and sexual energy filled the air. The site of two amazing musicians were enough to send me into sexual overdrive. (once again damn no boyfriend) But mostly the feel of the music coursing through my body, forcing me into some sort of trance of a dance not seen since spiritual rituals invloving the brain of a goat and the blood of a virgin; or something like that.
It felt so good to be able to experience the power of amazing musicians. And It felt good to be standing in the front row of the crowd, dancing all on my own without a care or thought other than this moment.
As for the clothing attire i desided on something in true spirit of the 60s:
-white square framed sunglasses that I bought for $5
-a pair of destroyed light blue denim shorts from Silver
-my good old birkinstocks (a staple for any concert!)
-a flowy floral see through top in purples, blues, and greens that was bought over a year ago
-tourquoise and purple bandeau under that is actually a bikini top
-and hair pulled back into my regualar wavy mess aka: not conditioned, not brushed, not blow dried, not washed that day (hey i am going to get sweety anyway!)
Not only were the two origional members of the influentia band wonderful but so were the other musicians. Which for the life of me I cannot remember the names of...sorry!
The singer looked so much like Morrison that I was about ready to leap onto stage and show him a good time. But I withheld myself simply on the fact that I knew it wasn't actually the man of my twisted dreams.
Robby looked adorably awkward in his red and white chequered pants giving a beautful performance. And Ray was outstanding on the keybored and more outspoken with Jim not being there, taking control of the conversation with the audience and even giving a few pelvic thrusts. Although those pelvic thrusts were very much competing with Robby spanking his bottom and the lead signer swaggering around with the wind blowing in his hair much like Jim Morrison.
Over all it was a fantastic experience and one that I am looking forward to beat while in Germany searching for my future rocker husband!
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