I have been on this huge Keith Richards kick for the past few days. There is something so cool about this guy, he is PURE sex, drugs and rock and roll...even if he is saying that he is giving upthe alcohol. He is not like many rock stars who seem to have been drawn to a less excessive life style Keith has remained constant and I love that about him. Even with a marriage that has lasted longer than all of Mick Jaggers combined, (only kidding Mick)children, groupie tales, and bad press, he does not give up who he is. Rock is who he is not just what he is and what he does, he lives it every day of his life.
His style is all his own and his attitude is something that you would only expect from someone who has been in one of the most famous bands for most of his life. He has endured being in the spot light, on stage, back stage, on the road and on planes for so long that you would think people would be sick of seeing his face by now. But I guess the rest of the world is like me and can't get enough of this man who is made up of 90% rock and roll and 10% unknown illegal substance of some sort.
Just because I found this on etsy and thought I needed to share!
Oh and just click on the image if you want to be taken on a magic carpet ride (thank you steppenwolf) to this cool shop.

And here are a bunch of photos of the man himself!
*note none of these are mine, I just love them :)

This is my Keith Richards inspired look!
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Your really cool! :D Just sayin!
I'm also a huge fan of Robert Plant/Led Zeppelin and really wished I was born in the 1970's!
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