When I find myself over thinking situations or wondering what I sould do or even what I should wear I like to think to myself "what would Robert Plant do?". It seems that he always has all the answers to my daily delemas. Does anyone else have someone that they think of when they find themselves stuck in a certain thought or situation?
My WWRPD is now multiplied by the fact that his newest CD will be released soon so I can get my obcessed fingers on it and reval in its musical glory. The best news of my day so far must be the fact that the music off of this new CD has been released on the internet for all to hear!!
Check it out here!
I highly recomend everything on the new album but i am currently listening to:
Satan, your kingdom must come down
Angel dance

I think that I smell another Grammy for Mr. Plant. Everything is beautiful, his voice is always able to capture your mind and bring it into his own world. This album stocked full of amazing older music is no different.
In other Plant news, he will be on Jimmy Fallon on September 13th at 12:35am. I know what I will be doing at that time, i hope you all will join me! I would invite you over for a Robert Plant party but that just means I would have to clean and get snacks and beer together and I know that I am just too lazy for that haha.
I also just realized that he will be in Manchester on Halloween, and I have a week off around that same time. Maybe I can convince someone to get a cheap flight with me to England to catch the show!
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