Really guys it is getting bad, I am thinking of calling the show intervention to tell them about my problem; I don't think they would laugh at me, do you?
I do believe that I am and will always be; the only person in the history of high school students who did not spend that hour of watching war documentaries in history class: doodling on my binder, sleeping, listening to their ipod or texting.
Seriously i loved those videos. I cannot help it!!
I call it my inner nerd trying to excape :D
So if any of you are like me and have a weird infatuation with these videos, might i suggest a couple of my favs!!!
Evolve: This is kinda cool. I was in the middle of the second episode when i decided that i would not keep these loves to myself. Bassically it is all about how we evolved. If you have strong beliefs in creationism, don't watch cuz you will probably not like it.
The perfect vagina: Such an awsome documentary! As i am sure you have guessed (unless you are unable to read...but then why are you on my blog in that case? hehe) it is all about the female vagina and how influenced we are by "perfect" vaginas seen in porno movies and such.
What's sexy?: Basic idea of this is what makes people attracted to each other. I saw it on television a while ago and was so happy to have found it here!
Sex-Slaves: Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic!!! This is a MUST watch! I have been intrested in the sex trafficing business (sad to hear the word business with those two words together) for a long time. Also check out the movie Human trafficking.
Hard days night: Ok so this is actually a movie more than a documentary, but it is the Beatles so hey i thought i would include it haha. Any Beatles fan should watch....btw the actual group members are in this, not actors thankfully!
No direction home: Really intresting insight on the musical talent, Bob Dylan. A little slow at points but in general it is a good watch.
Gimme shelter: I am sure it will be no secret if you keep following my blog that I am a huge Rock fan! This concert doc is great. It is from the free concert that the Rolling Stones put on that had births, loads of drugs and a stabbing by a member of the Hells Angels. Do not fear it includes lots of filming of the sexy stones boys off stage as well ;)
The secret: I am sure you have heard of the book? Well this is the all of you people out their who hate reading, this is GREAT news for you!!
Metal-A Headbangers journey: So i have not watched this one but I am posting it for the lovely Ginger who commented on my last post about liking heavy metal. You will have to tell me if it is good or not!
Ok i will stop now before I bore you all to death and lose anyone who is thinkign of following.
All of these can be found on
OH and did you know that the Makak monkey has sex on average once every crazy is that! yes i am random i know.
While searching for the links to give all you lovely, I found a few more that I am planning on watching!
Yes it is true my sickness should be stopped, but how can something that feels so right be so wrong?

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