This little number
or maybe you are in the mood for something more mellow
why not let your mind get lost with the click of a button here
And while you listen to my two songs of the day; the two songs i have been listening to on repeat. Why not let me tell you about some wonderfully random things!
First i Just wanted to give a shout out to this wonderful online shop called . Now I will not be posting about things i win often on this blog, but when i find something so truly creative and cool I just have to tell you wonderful people out their in blog land!
On this site you can actually create your own tee shirts, bags, scarves, tank tops and long sleeve shirts in all sizes and colours! Not only is that col but it is so much fun to do because you can upload pictures and beaded art, felt, almost anything you could think of putting on a shirt. And it is super fast shipping! I got mine in a few days after my order (I live in Canada and they are based In New Jersey!).
This is what i made!
Of course i had to do mine in the theme of Led Zeppelin...I would never expect anything else of myself!
Anyway other news is that I am going to be an Au Pair in GERMANY!!! YAAAAAAY!!!
I am beyond excited for this :D. My mother said she would pay for my plane ticket (so thankful for that one!). I just need to save spending money.
So if you follow my blog expect there to be lots of updates from my new home in Germany where i will be moving to at the very end of september for 9 months (just in time for Oktoberfest!!!!)
Plus i think I will have to pick up something for my lovely blog followers for when i come back to Canada, as a thank you!
I am not sure what it would be yet...but expect it to be German lol.
Well I do't have much to say at this moment. My head is to full of thoughts of Germany and all the boys! I love being the foreign automatically makes you at least 2 points higher on the hotness scale hehe.
great post x
Thanks for introducing me to a site that is my new addiction! And thanks for making me super jealous of the fact that you're going to Oktoberfest. Ahh I love Robert Plant! And Led Zeppelin is my second fave band of all time (Velvet Underground takes the crown)
Your so cute!!
Happy that i found your blog~I like what you like too,just add a little more METAL;)
Bright Blessings in Germany Girl~
that's cool that you made your own shirt! I love Led Zeppelin too :D hope you have a great long weekend!
thanks for the great comments everyone ;)
How exciting about the Au Pair gig!!
Oh wow, this is so cool! I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun over there. You should definitely visit the Fun Factory head quarters ;)
Your so cute!!
indian classified site
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