Best new ablum of 2010 is 100% without a single doubt in my star filled dazed mind, Slash's newest solo self titled album "Slash". It is BRILLIANT! Truly inspiring to listen to and one of the best albums i have not only heard in 2010 but probably the past 12 months.
My top three picks for those who have to heard this masterpiece called an album would be:
1. Mother Maria: Feat. Beth Heart
2. Ghost: Feat Ian Astbury and Izzy Stradlin
3. By the sword: Feat Andrew Stockdale
This album jam packed with fantastic musical talents and geniuses (except Fergie....sorry but I have never been of fan of her, and her voice in the song beautiful dangerous just does not measure up to the other strong vocals. She needs to stick to what she does best...pelvic thrusts and talking about how glamorous and fergalicious she is while her London Bridge falls donw; NOT Rock and Roll!).
This album for me is the equivalent of finding a beautiful girl with brains, carisma and the drive for bigger and better thing. It does not just rest on the fact that it has well known musicians to perform on it. It takes these people's unique talents and twists them into something I could listen to over and over!
Slash when he was young...le sigh in the most fangirl way!

The song with Andrew Stockdale (best known as the vocalist for Wolfmother)which he lends his voice to, actually caught my attention because the voice to me is like a mix between Robert Plant and Captan Beefheart! You can really hear Beafheart in the begining instrumental and the way the voice slides around from note to note. Maybe that is just me! But I think the voicals are fraken FABULOUS ;)
I am crossing my fingers that Slash comes my way soon. That would be an insane concert....almost as insane as the Alice Cooper and Robert Zombie concert this summer.

Yes Ozzy is on the new album! Can you understand what he is saying? Hell no! Is it a fantastic song? Fuck YES!
Place your mouse here and press the left button to listen to one of my fav songs...You know you wanna!
ah, slash is so sexy.
Its lovely.
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