All is looking up for me here in sunny ontario! I found out the me not driving is not a problem, I will be able to have 1 entire week off at the first of November to travel and have my good friend Julia over (hopefully!). Also I am heading up to visit my father today for about 5 days. I am nt the closest person with my father and far from a "daddy's girl", i am way more of a momma's girl haha. But it will be good to see him before I leave and go to Toronto for the CNE...don't ask me what it is really because I honestly have no idea, but they do host it every year! When I figure it out you all will be the first to know, and I will include photographic proof that my life exists outside of the internet world haha.
Another awsome thing is that I have less than ONE MONTH before I leave for my year long au pair job/adventure in Germany; the land of large beer, beer halls and beer and cola. (yes they actually do drink this strange mixture of cola and beer, and it is actually kinda good!)
Now I am hoping that I do not returne looking like Homer simpson with a beer belly! Which brings me to anyther point. I will miss North American television!! I don't watch too much t.v anymore but still to be able to watch something on the tube other than CNN in english would be great, and the fact that they get the series about 1 year later than we do here kinda sucks. The voice overs has to be the worst part though! I hate voice overs, and I hate that it is not the actual persons voice. Like on the Simpsons Homer sunds terrible and Marge is not the same at all! But i guess who really cares! I have my laptop and I am not going all that way to watch German talk shows and CNN.
On another note I am totally tired beyond belief right now. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night and have been doing laundry all day and taking care of my dog because she got into a tin of cinnamon buns last night. But the weird part is that she just ate a piece of one and licked the iceing off of the rest! So I was left picking the remains of slobber covered buns off of the floor at about 3:30 in the morning.
I still really want some grey and forrest green nail polish and I am praying that I find some for really, really cheap in Toronto. I am talking $3 or less each because I am that stingy with my money at the moment! I mean I have not bought new clothing since before Christmas which is amazing...well actually it is hard to believe with my past shopping addiction that I held onto ever since I got my first part-time job working as a hostess at a resturant. I already have more clothes than a person needs and I am actually getting good wear out of everything, it is also great because I have not really grown since the begining of high school and I even have a couple things from grade 8 that I still fit into. I don't know if i should be proud of myself for being able to do that, or start to wonder if I should go flip through photos to see if I was actually fat as a child but never noticed it!
School is also starting again and it is hard to believe that it has already been 2 freakin years since I first blindly entered the land of parties, hang overs, walks of shame, pizza at 2 am and a little studying now and then; also known as university. I sort of miss it but at the same time would much rather be out in the realy world and out of Ontario for awhile to get some actuall experience and not just read about it in some books and listen to a professor talk about it for 3 hours a a time. I will miss the friends I made there but I know that I can live without them. It is strange but I don't NEED my friends at all times. When I am away from them I am fine but when I am with them I have a blast! I love having friends from all over the world that I can go for a year or more without seeing, but able to stop in and chat as though we have been neighbours forever. Friends want me to see them before I leave for Germany, but the sad thing is all I can think about is "how much will this cost me?". I want to have every last penny i have earned to spend in Germany. I will even put off seeing university friends to do this. I feel bad for it but I know that this Au Pair thing is not something that everyone does and is a once in a life time opportunity so I want to have the best time I can have. And good times sadly cost money. I want every red cent I own to go towards beers and festivals, train rides and clubbing, ice cream and coffees, markets and travel. If friends are ment to be then they will be there when I returne,or who knows maybe a few of them will do some travelling and I could see them in Europe!
Only about 30 more minutes until I leave so I think that I will play around on Polyvore and do some mahjong, because I am that cool!
I hope everyone is enjoying the last week of summer holidays or for those like me, just another week before the fall clothes start to make an appearence. :)
Looky looky i got hooky

Can you believe that this jacket/sweater is only 29.99?!?!?! Sometimes I wish i were a guy for the cool style. Not that I am going to go full on sex change on you folks. At least if i were a guy I could dress with style and show 80% of the male North American population what ACTUAL STYLE IS!
Don't you hate when you see a girl that looks as though she spent hours that day getting ready; picking out the perfect outfit to go the the perfect shoes and purse, highlighting her hair and setting it in perfect waves, almost at a professional level from years of experience perfectly applied makeup.
And then you see the guy she is with. Looks as though he got out of bed and at least made the effort to put on a clean shirt, and I do not mean in the cute Matthew McConaughey beach bum sort of way. Or even the sexy rock star sort of way. More like your brother who still lives at home even though he is 30 sort of way.
Guys jsut expect the girl to look as though they are page 3 centerfolds at all times yet they can get away with not showering or shaving for days on end! Why kind of world do we live in. If a girl has to shave her legs everyday then I expect the guy to shave his face everyday as well. But nope guys are not expected to look "presentable" and if they do they are automatically labelled gay (aka Cristiano Ronaldo). If he were to say to the woman that he is dating that he expects her to wax or shave on a regular basis and go to the gym, well at least he is practicing what he preaches!
I know that a lot of woman out there do not like him for the fact that his hygene characteristics are more feminin than maybe our own. But at least he looks good and probably smells good which is more than I can say for the not so wonderful past guys in my life. Thank you European men and the fact that most care about how they look.
Heck Cristiano may dress in a little bit of a tacky way at times but for fuck sakes I would take a little tacky over a lot of uncleanliness anyday.
Now I don't want you to think that I am saying this about all North American men, just the majority that I have had the "pleasure" of meeting. Thank God for Europe bound in about 1 month!
Ciao Canadian boys
Hallo German boys
001. I just remembered that I am babysitting tomorow. I would complain because she is better known as the devil child, but hey it is money in the bank and will mean one more night out with friends in Germany.
002. Talking about saving the legs makes me realize just how much I hate doing it! Laser hair removel is a for sure possibility in the future because when the heck will i ever say "man i wish that i did not remove that hair on my legs because hairy legs are so in style now!"??? Not only is shaving rediculous because my hair grows at the speed of superman, making me have to shave everyday. But it is expensive to have to buy new razors or razor heads all the time. Yes I think that laser removal is the only option!
003. I will probably start missing the guys that dress like homeless people from North American after a couple of months in Europe, realizing that with them looking good most of the time means that I will need to look good as well. Goodbuy favourite sweatpants hello stilettos and matching bra and underwear.
One, two, three, four; tell me that you love me more
What is it about fall that makes me think of love and romance? It must be how crisp the air is, almost as if it were lighting kissing your skin with a cool touch, much welcomed after the hot summer. The cozy fires with the crackles of the burning logs and the smell of smoke swirling into the air; feast for both eyes and ears. steaming hot cups of tea and mochas while walking through parks with the brightly coloured leaved swirling their way to the groud awaiting some child to come swoop them up into a pile to be jumped in.
I love the fall, almost everything about it! I have never been one much for summer romance; too hot for cuddling, to little amount of clothing to leave anything to the imagination and too many dark sunglasses (who knows where your boys are actually looking?!?).
I really like the summer, if i could compare it to a guy it would be that super sexy one who is tall and well build in all the right parts, super swave (and he knows it), and could have any girl. It is wild, it is passionate, it is a little crazy at times. But you know that you could never end up with a guy like that!
But fall is like the man that brings you chicken soup and a girly magazine when you are sick with the flu. Wears clothing the looks like his mother might still pick them out for him. Spends 90% less time looking at himself than you, but spends 90% more time looking you you than you do. And he feels like he won the lottery to be with you, starring at you like you are the most amazing woman in the world.
Both of these men are great in their own ways, but I could only handle man number one for 3 maybe 4 months max!
001. I need to learn to stay away from guys like number one. Heck I need all the help I can get in the choosing a man department because I have the worst luck! And if you think I am going over the top, well in first year university I won the resident award for most guy problems...also got most like to be on girls gone wild, but that is an entire other topic!
002. I am getting nervous about leaving for Germany. I was almost at the point of not wanting to go, but a good e-mail between sisters helped change my mind on that one. After all I am only young once and need to do anything and everything that I can think of wanting to experience before "real life" sets in. But I actually don't know if i ever want this real life that people speak of.
003. A new carry-on piece of luggage is sooo needed!! The matter of fact is that I actually don't want to spend money to actually get it. That is here the CSN blog contests are coming in. I am hoping and praying and visulizing that I already won and own the bag (just like "The Secret" documentart/book told me to do) So far notin. But I am praying for the end of this month!!! If it does not come in I will just have to suck it up and pay the price for a new bag.
Music to Check out!
Not all new but still all fantastic! Basically what I have been listening to none stop these past few days.
-David Guetta ft. Estell - One love
-Etta James - I just wanna make love
-Jay-Z ft. the verve - Dirt off your shoulder
-John Lennon - Love
-Loreen McKennitt - The Mummer's dance
-Cats Empire - The lost song
-Nora Jones - Come away with me
I love the fall, almost everything about it! I have never been one much for summer romance; too hot for cuddling, to little amount of clothing to leave anything to the imagination and too many dark sunglasses (who knows where your boys are actually looking?!?).
I really like the summer, if i could compare it to a guy it would be that super sexy one who is tall and well build in all the right parts, super swave (and he knows it), and could have any girl. It is wild, it is passionate, it is a little crazy at times. But you know that you could never end up with a guy like that!
But fall is like the man that brings you chicken soup and a girly magazine when you are sick with the flu. Wears clothing the looks like his mother might still pick them out for him. Spends 90% less time looking at himself than you, but spends 90% more time looking you you than you do. And he feels like he won the lottery to be with you, starring at you like you are the most amazing woman in the world.
Both of these men are great in their own ways, but I could only handle man number one for 3 maybe 4 months max!
001. I need to learn to stay away from guys like number one. Heck I need all the help I can get in the choosing a man department because I have the worst luck! And if you think I am going over the top, well in first year university I won the resident award for most guy problems...also got most like to be on girls gone wild, but that is an entire other topic!
002. I am getting nervous about leaving for Germany. I was almost at the point of not wanting to go, but a good e-mail between sisters helped change my mind on that one. After all I am only young once and need to do anything and everything that I can think of wanting to experience before "real life" sets in. But I actually don't know if i ever want this real life that people speak of.
003. A new carry-on piece of luggage is sooo needed!! The matter of fact is that I actually don't want to spend money to actually get it. That is here the CSN blog contests are coming in. I am hoping and praying and visulizing that I already won and own the bag (just like "The Secret" documentart/book told me to do) So far notin. But I am praying for the end of this month!!! If it does not come in I will just have to suck it up and pay the price for a new bag.
Music to Check out!
Not all new but still all fantastic! Basically what I have been listening to none stop these past few days.
-David Guetta ft. Estell - One love
-Etta James - I just wanna make love
-Jay-Z ft. the verve - Dirt off your shoulder
-John Lennon - Love
-Loreen McKennitt - The Mummer's dance
-Cats Empire - The lost song
-Nora Jones - Come away with me
You gotta walk like a man talk like a man.....ohhhh ohhh

Summer seems to be all about the smaller/tigheter/shorter/skimpy(er) the better which is great...if you live in Miami or Rio. But here in southern Ontario in the small town that I live in, (for the moment) you will get the strangest looks, and the most creepy looks if you are to walk around in those club gear durring the day time. HECK even at night time you will be confused for one of the local strippers in the towns only stripclub oh so wonderfully entitled Spankies. Ahhh yes the class of the simple, small town life.
But Fall is all about the layers and the loose fit, comfortable items that may get you confused with the homeless.
Hmmm stripper or homeless person....homeless person or stripper; it is a tough call on which I would rather be mistaken for.
Although I am getting tired of the summer time wardrobe and find myself gravitating to the mens inspired fall looks!
001.Mens oxford shoes in light blacks and browns, cropped warn looking loose fit jeans and mens inspired dress jackets are a couple of the fall essentials that I am lusting after this year!
002.The infinity scarf in rich colours is another item that I see making a reappearence this fall and winter. And the snood also making a breef fashion statement around hollywood and the real world.
003.Kain's tee's and tanks with the loose fit pocket are another lust worthy lustfull item that I would love to own as a staple in the fall wardrobe!
004.I am not a huge bag person which is probably strange for a fashion lovin girl, but I am just not! But I do love bucket bags and those messager bags and leather backpacks that look like 60 year old English professors would carry around with them on their bike.
005. And the colour combos that I love for this fall would be forrest greens and cranberrie, grey and cream as well as that beautiful brownish tan colour with just about anything.
006. I also love the chunky gold mens watches that look like something you would see a mob boss wearing! What can I say my style is unique/chic with a hint of tacky.
Something like this would be lovely! Although the finding a rich older man like mentioned early might come in handy to achieve this. Oh and the green tea drink from Starbucks is my favourite beverage of all time and I am sad of the lack of Starcrack in Germany which is why I am including it in here....sigh...
And lastly here is some man candy to objectify and oogle to your hearts content; just because I am stressed and stressed equals hot boys and online retail windowshopping therapy!

Winter wear in August
Large red Canadian sweater with jeans may not be the typical wear for August here in sunny southern Ontario. But when stress comes a knockin, the sweaters come out for good.
About 1 year ago (and every year 5 years before that) I lived in a world consumed with stress. I would have sworn that when God was handing out stress I decided to get two buckets full!
But as of these past 6 months it seemed that the largest worry I had was if i was gaining an extra 2 pounds and how to loose it. And I have enjoyed this stress-less life of mine until now!!
I just KNEW that this entire Au Pair in Germany thing was going way too smoothly. But BAM about 1 month before I have to leave I learn that I am going to be needing to drive. Well that would not normally cause stress to people who do not have a fear of driving. But I only hold my G1!!! AHHHH stress overload! The family seems understanding but i am sure they are a little tickt (I know that I wold be). But It is partly both of us to blame. Me for not being clear on my license situation and them for not giving me the full details on what I would be doing there!
For any future au pairers....GO THROUGH AN ANGENCY!! Or at the very least have them give you a full outline of what they expect of you; something that I obviously did not do!
001. My mom is heading over to the License office to see about me getting my G2 before I leave and driving in a foreign country. I am just praying that everything works out because well that is all I can do for now besides get fatter in my sweatshirts.
002. Stress is clearly not good for the complexion. Remind me to pick of a good concealor before I leave.
003. In the middle of this all I am leaving to go visit my dad for a week. AHHH once again stress! It would all be good except the fact that he lives about 4.5 hours away.
004. I think that I need some tea and a couple vicodin to bring me down from this stress high!
Stress, stress go away come again another day!
Or better yet go find someone knew to torture and don't come back to me again at all!
About 1 year ago (and every year 5 years before that) I lived in a world consumed with stress. I would have sworn that when God was handing out stress I decided to get two buckets full!
But as of these past 6 months it seemed that the largest worry I had was if i was gaining an extra 2 pounds and how to loose it. And I have enjoyed this stress-less life of mine until now!!
I just KNEW that this entire Au Pair in Germany thing was going way too smoothly. But BAM about 1 month before I have to leave I learn that I am going to be needing to drive. Well that would not normally cause stress to people who do not have a fear of driving. But I only hold my G1!!! AHHHH stress overload! The family seems understanding but i am sure they are a little tickt (I know that I wold be). But It is partly both of us to blame. Me for not being clear on my license situation and them for not giving me the full details on what I would be doing there!
For any future au pairers....GO THROUGH AN ANGENCY!! Or at the very least have them give you a full outline of what they expect of you; something that I obviously did not do!
001. My mom is heading over to the License office to see about me getting my G2 before I leave and driving in a foreign country. I am just praying that everything works out because well that is all I can do for now besides get fatter in my sweatshirts.
002. Stress is clearly not good for the complexion. Remind me to pick of a good concealor before I leave.
003. In the middle of this all I am leaving to go visit my dad for a week. AHHH once again stress! It would all be good except the fact that he lives about 4.5 hours away.
004. I think that I need some tea and a couple vicodin to bring me down from this stress high!
Stress, stress go away come again another day!
Or better yet go find someone knew to torture and don't come back to me again at all!
Fashionless Mondays

001. Weekly photos are going to be a new feature on here. Mostly since I cannot take a serious/good photo I desided on this beauty. Looking at it reminds me that i should pick up a new lip balm because my lips are really chapped.
002. My new goal is to stop plucking my eyebrows for the next few weeks and take on full unobrow faze because I am really digging the full brows that seem to be making a reappearence all over the fashion world.I hate it because I was not blessed with naturally fulls brows, but maybe if i pray for them they will come?
003. I am in love with my new shade of OPI nail polish. It is Pop of Poppy and it is perfect for the rest of summer. I promise to post a photo soon. I normally don't buy OPI because it is a little more than I would like to spend on a nail colour, but I found it on sale at Shoppers for $5 and I had to buy it. Now I am really wanting some greys, forrest greens and tans for the fall time!
004. My hair is officially an over grown mess. I have gone about 4 months with no cut/colour and I am really starting to feel it. My mom said that she would pay for me to get my hair done before I leave fore Germany. So I only have 1 month left, but the sad thing is that I probably will not cut it at all and only add a few small highlights to the roots of my hair. I am looking to go a lot more natural and not have to worry about upkeep.
005. My buckets of things I want off of online shops are getting out of hand. I joke that I need to find a rich older man to help support my shopping addictions, but in truth I am a little serious...
I scream you scream we all scream for.....ETSY
I love all things etsy, it is true! If i could live in a world where everything was quirky and handmade I would.
I L-O-V-E the fact that you can purchase items from all over the world, made from like minded (and not so like minded) people.
And since the giveaway I told you all about in my last post in ending soon
*hint* if you have not entered yet...why the heck not!!
Well maybe you are just so puzzled as to what out of the hundred of thousands of prodects to choose from!
So I desided to make a list of a few of the many wonderful items I would love to own.
It is called
For the guys or guys in your life

This amazing Peahoodie From Abigail Adams is sure to be a favourite!
It is something your guy will not be embaraced to wear and something that you will not be embaraced to be seen with him in. All in all it is a good $76 worth spending!
But what to put under this amazing stylish hoodie?
Well the The Flag shirt, pick your flag from Karla PL is sure to be a hit! Pick the flag of the country from your man's favourite sports team or maybe from a trip that you went on. The price is a very reasonable $38, infact why not buy two?
Home decor..ish stuff!
If it was not for the fact that I was going to be moving to Germany I would have most likely chosen some funky new items for my house. But since I am not; hey why not share my fab finds with you fine fokes!

I love this pillow. I think that it is one of my favourite finds on etsy so far! It is made of linen and is so beautifully made that I am thinking if any of you purchase it you might have to share it with me...just saying haha!
It is the
.Back To Earth - Throw Pillow Covers - 16x16 Inches Linen Pillow Cover with Jute Embroidery from the amazing shop called The Home Centric. It is only $39.95 for this amazing item!!! All of the pillow covers are amazing and come in multiple sizes! A couple other favourites from the shop include:
Reflections and
The Gold Mosiac
Or how about this quirky cup!
It would be the best $14 spent i think. It would make me smile whenever i see it :D
It comes from
Lenny Mud's shop.
And we all know how much a Cuckoo Clock can cost. Well if you don't know; buy a flight to Germany and go to the Black Forrest region, take a look around and realise that some of those clocks will cost you more than your flight.
This really cool clock from Decoy Lab will certainly satisfy your Deutchland craving without the hefty price tag! It comes in multple colours and costs $34.
Halloween goodies
Before you know it halloween will be here, so why not start your shopping on etsy!

Glow in the dark Ouija Board soap anyone? At only $5.50 how can you go wrong?

Vintage eye lightbox for $25 is more your style maybe?
Or possibly this shirt from The Happy Family's shop

Spread your halloween cheer and learn something about bones all at the same time with this Skeleton-diagram for $18!
Random favourite!Just click on the picture to go to the site

Ok so I think that I will stop now before I post every one of my favourite items! I just have so many, and the list is growing daily! I hope that this may help and inspire you to go and select your favourite under $100 items for the giveaway :)
I L-O-V-E the fact that you can purchase items from all over the world, made from like minded (and not so like minded) people.
And since the giveaway I told you all about in my last post in ending soon
*hint* if you have not entered yet...why the heck not!!
Well maybe you are just so puzzled as to what out of the hundred of thousands of prodects to choose from!
So I desided to make a list of a few of the many wonderful items I would love to own.
It is called
For the guys or guys in your life

This amazing Peahoodie From Abigail Adams is sure to be a favourite!
It is something your guy will not be embaraced to wear and something that you will not be embaraced to be seen with him in. All in all it is a good $76 worth spending!
But what to put under this amazing stylish hoodie?

Home decor..ish stuff!
If it was not for the fact that I was going to be moving to Germany I would have most likely chosen some funky new items for my house. But since I am not; hey why not share my fab finds with you fine fokes!

I love this pillow. I think that it is one of my favourite finds on etsy so far! It is made of linen and is so beautifully made that I am thinking if any of you purchase it you might have to share it with me...just saying haha!
It is the
.Back To Earth - Throw Pillow Covers - 16x16 Inches Linen Pillow Cover with Jute Embroidery from the amazing shop called The Home Centric. It is only $39.95 for this amazing item!!! All of the pillow covers are amazing and come in multiple sizes! A couple other favourites from the shop include:
Reflections and
The Gold Mosiac
Or how about this quirky cup!

It would be the best $14 spent i think. It would make me smile whenever i see it :D
It comes from
Lenny Mud's shop.
And we all know how much a Cuckoo Clock can cost. Well if you don't know; buy a flight to Germany and go to the Black Forrest region, take a look around and realise that some of those clocks will cost you more than your flight.
This really cool clock from Decoy Lab will certainly satisfy your Deutchland craving without the hefty price tag! It comes in multple colours and costs $34.

Halloween goodies
Before you know it halloween will be here, so why not start your shopping on etsy!

Glow in the dark Ouija Board soap anyone? At only $5.50 how can you go wrong?

Vintage eye lightbox for $25 is more your style maybe?
Or possibly this shirt from The Happy Family's shop

Spread your halloween cheer and learn something about bones all at the same time with this Skeleton-diagram for $18!
Random favourite!Just click on the picture to go to the site

Ok so I think that I will stop now before I post every one of my favourite items! I just have so many, and the list is growing daily! I hope that this may help and inspire you to go and select your favourite under $100 items for the giveaway :)
Oh show me the way to the next little girl

It was PURE heaven! I got to see two of my idols; Ray Manzarek and Robby Krieger from The Doors.
It was beyond amazing and I still cannot believe that I actually got the chance to be front row and center for this once in a life time performance!!
I am sort of bummed that I did not take pictures just for the fact that I would have loved to share my experience with you all. But I cannot help it that I am not one of those shutter bugs at concerts, documenting every moment of their life through the lense of their $1000 camera. I just love to live my life and hope that my memory hold up to remember it all!
The experience was amazing though! I am in a way happy that i did not bring my camera with me. The smellof tobaco,lite dubies, alcohol, sweet and sexual energy filled the air. The site of two amazing musicians were enough to send me into sexual overdrive. (once again damn no boyfriend) But mostly the feel of the music coursing through my body, forcing me into some sort of trance of a dance not seen since spiritual rituals invloving the brain of a goat and the blood of a virgin; or something like that.
It felt so good to be able to experience the power of amazing musicians. And It felt good to be standing in the front row of the crowd, dancing all on my own without a care or thought other than this moment.
As for the clothing attire i desided on something in true spirit of the 60s:
-white square framed sunglasses that I bought for $5
-a pair of destroyed light blue denim shorts from Silver
-my good old birkinstocks (a staple for any concert!)
-a flowy floral see through top in purples, blues, and greens that was bought over a year ago
-tourquoise and purple bandeau under that is actually a bikini top
-and hair pulled back into my regualar wavy mess aka: not conditioned, not brushed, not blow dried, not washed that day (hey i am going to get sweety anyway!)
Not only were the two origional members of the influentia band wonderful but so were the other musicians. Which for the life of me I cannot remember the names of...sorry!
The singer looked so much like Morrison that I was about ready to leap onto stage and show him a good time. But I withheld myself simply on the fact that I knew it wasn't actually the man of my twisted dreams.
Robby looked adorably awkward in his red and white chequered pants giving a beautful performance. And Ray was outstanding on the keybored and more outspoken with Jim not being there, taking control of the conversation with the audience and even giving a few pelvic thrusts. Although those pelvic thrusts were very much competing with Robby spanking his bottom and the lead signer swaggering around with the wind blowing in his hair much like Jim Morrison.
Over all it was a fantastic experience and one that I am looking forward to beat while in Germany searching for my future rocker husband!
Lookin for some hot stuff baby tonight!
So after writting that title i realized:
1. Bad idea, song officially stuck in my head
2. Since it is stuck in my head i hope it is now in is only fair after all :D
But the main reason of this post is not to annoy you with disco songs of years ago but to tell you about this crazy cool giveaway that is going on! It is a "win your etsy wishlist"
Basically you get to make a wishlist of ANYTHING off of etsy (as long as they will ship to you of course) as long as the total is $100 or under. The really cool part is that they said they would pay your shipping fees as well!
COOL! Am i right? Of course I am right
So as the rules go I will share with you fine fokes my wishlist. Well my actually wishlist would be in the hundreds of thousands. But this is my travel wishlist!
As you may know I am going to heading out to Germany soon, and I thought to myself "self, why not make a wishlist of travel goodies!" you know things for the plane ride over.

LeMuse for the cozy days. From the shop LeMuse
Price: $59

All Around The World...Black Printed Rayon Harem Pants. From Aftershowershop
Price: $31.50

Lip N Cheek Stain, BERRY BEET, all natural. From the etsy shop of BohemianBeetnik
Price: $6
I think that the shirt and pants would be sooo comfortable for travel! And that lip/cheek stain would be perfect to throw in your purse to add some colour to your lips and cheeks. I don't know about you but i look kinda scary after 7 hours on a plane...i think the stain will come in handy!
Anyway for sure check out this giveaway!
you can find it riiiight here.Brought to you by the wonderful people at
1. Bad idea, song officially stuck in my head
2. Since it is stuck in my head i hope it is now in is only fair after all :D
But the main reason of this post is not to annoy you with disco songs of years ago but to tell you about this crazy cool giveaway that is going on! It is a "win your etsy wishlist"
Basically you get to make a wishlist of ANYTHING off of etsy (as long as they will ship to you of course) as long as the total is $100 or under. The really cool part is that they said they would pay your shipping fees as well!
COOL! Am i right? Of course I am right
So as the rules go I will share with you fine fokes my wishlist. Well my actually wishlist would be in the hundreds of thousands. But this is my travel wishlist!
As you may know I am going to heading out to Germany soon, and I thought to myself "self, why not make a wishlist of travel goodies!" you know things for the plane ride over.

LeMuse for the cozy days. From the shop LeMuse
Price: $59

All Around The World...Black Printed Rayon Harem Pants. From Aftershowershop
Price: $31.50

Lip N Cheek Stain, BERRY BEET, all natural. From the etsy shop of BohemianBeetnik
Price: $6
I think that the shirt and pants would be sooo comfortable for travel! And that lip/cheek stain would be perfect to throw in your purse to add some colour to your lips and cheeks. I don't know about you but i look kinda scary after 7 hours on a plane...i think the stain will come in handy!
Anyway for sure check out this giveaway!
you can find it riiiight here.Brought to you by the wonderful people at
I aint sayin she's a gold digger but she aint messing with no...
So why do I love Mik Jagger?
Could it be the fact that he is one rich old dude?

Or how about the fact that he still rocks out better and harder than any one 2 or even 3 times younger than him?

Possibly ;)
It has to be the fact that he turned 67 on July 26th and is STILL one of the sexiest men alive! Who else can you say is sexy when they are practically your grandparents age?
Anyway Happy belated birthday to the one and only Mick Jagger!
Now if only I could figure out how to steal him away from that insainly tall woman of his???
Any ideas!
Could it be the fact that he is one rich old dude?

Or how about the fact that he still rocks out better and harder than any one 2 or even 3 times younger than him?

Possibly ;)
It has to be the fact that he turned 67 on July 26th and is STILL one of the sexiest men alive! Who else can you say is sexy when they are practically your grandparents age?
Anyway Happy belated birthday to the one and only Mick Jagger!
Now if only I could figure out how to steal him away from that insainly tall woman of his???
Any ideas!
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