Happy, youthful and as humorus as ever. Those are probably the best words I have to describe the appearence of Robert Plant on Jimmy Fallon. Although it is not my favourite late night show to tune into, (I m more of a Jay Leno girl)I just knew that I had to watch tonights because my idol was on.
I was a little sad that he did not perform but excited at the same time because I love what he has to say. It was great to see him talk about the new album that is out today Tuesday the 14th!! Also to see the excitment on Jimmy Fallons face. You can tell that he is such a Plant fan because he was smiling and giddy the entire time.
The most amazing thing to me would have to be how Plant has not slowed down at at! He is still as vivacious as ever, it is fantastic.
I hope that all other Robert fans enjoyed it as well and are looking forward to finally being able to own the much waited record release!
001. I finally watched the documentary about the amazing guitarists The Edge, Jack White and my all time favourite, Jimmy Page called "It might get loud". It was great in my opinion! They did cut some stuff that I watched previously on youtube with Jimmy teaching the other two of how to play one of my favourite Zeppelin songs, kashmir. So this was a little bit disapointing to me. But over all I thought that they did a great job showing how how different each artist is in their approach to the music, but how much they all lived for what they do. If you have not seen it and you are a music fan like myself than I would for sure say to go see it!
002. I have two weeks until I leave and I am still very calm...weird.
003. I have grown very fond of Jack White after seeing the previously mentioned documentary. He is really freakishly good. I don't know why I never saw it before. I am really getting into his band The Raconteurs. I am also growing on The Black Crowes, I first realled liked them when I heard the record they released with Jimmy Page. I now I find myself searching for more songs my them.
004. I have been spending too much time on polyvore creating music inspired outfits, maybe i should post them on here just so I don't feel like it is such a waste of time. In fact that is what I think I will do after this blog post!
What I am listening to:-Old enough - The Raconteurs
-White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
-She talks to angels - The Black Crowes
-Turn me on - Nora Jones
-Dog days are over - Florance and the Machine
-You're so vain - Carly Simon