
For the love of music

You know when you love something so much that while you are involved in that certain thing nothing else in the world matters? Well that is how I feel about music.

It is difficult to put into words the way I feel about music. It is almost like an all over bodly peace; your mind can take a break from the daily worries and stresses and just be overcome by the sounds coming out of the speakers. My entire body goes into a state of rest, as the sounds travel from the musicians instuments and vocals into my ears. Following through my veins which warms me up from the inside and fills my soul the way nothing else seems to be able to. I guess you could say I am in love with the music.

Whenever anything goes wrong in my life or I feel overwhelmed with emotions that I wished did not occupy my mind. The sounds of artists like Muddy Waters, Led Zeppelin and The Temptations always seem to be there to remove those emotions and fill their place with satisfaction.

Imagine the world without music! I for one cannot fathom this idea of living in a this twighlight zone! Just really think about it for a moment, what type of world would this be? Do you think their would be more chaos, more depression and loneliness? Do you think that we would not have progressed to the way we are today? Do you think we would still be living in a world full of censorship, (we already have too much in my opinion...i could not imagine more!) inequality in races and genders? Music has had such a large inpact on the earths' population, yet is just passed aside most of the time as just a form of entertainment.

The music industry has mostly moved away from transforming emotions into sounds and has become almost this white noise. It is no longer full of meanings; hurt, anger, love, happiness, loneliness, pain. It is now just a way to make money. A way for beautiful, young people to sing what some 40 year writes, hoping it will be the next 24 hour hit with the teenage population. There is no longer the connection to music anymore. We are so bombarded with this noise, it is coming at us at all directions that it is almost impossible to pick out the good from the bad. There is not enough time to really listen to a piece of music and fall in love with it, because the next day there will be something new for you to hear. 98% of it will not have the lasting power of those that came before this genre of "crap".

After all music is what emotion sounds like!

If you would like to hear real emotion listen to this song, close your eyes and let the music comsume you.


Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird said...

Off to listen to the song. Thanks for the comment on my blog lady, I hope to see you around!

beachvintage.com said...

I cannot imagine my life without music. It is so many things to me on so many levels. It almost has its own life and I can never predict when I will need it. Funny hey? Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage and I hope to see you again soon.

Sixty-Fifth Avenue said...

I followed you here from my giveaway.
I can totally relate with your 19 year old self. I have been listening to music from the wrong generation since I was born. We even named our daughter after Muddy Waters...can you guess her name? My husband asked me if I knew his real name one day years before our little one was born. I had no idea, but when he told me I loved it! Can't wait til she grows up and we can tell her she is named after a big black man!

Have a great weekend, following you back.