I hated the heat, the older teenagers, corn rash, heat rash, how wet and dirty you got, and most of all i hated the fact that I was about 4"11 and could not reach the corn.
So i may have been 12 at that time and a little over my head in terms of doing farm labour; but would would you expect from a little girl who had the idea that the hardest thing in life was the math test compleated a few months prior to the summer of torture?
Now before you get all "but it is against the law for a 12 year old to have a job" or "child labour?" NO. It is legal for anyone 12 and older to do farm work.
It is now 7 years later and 3 inches taller and I must admit that I was basically terrified to join back into this hell they called a job.
I have actually lasted 2 weeks after today....
(dramatic pause for all the cheers i am expecting from you guys!)
And i must admit that I will be sad when it is over! It has actually been a lot of fun!
1. I don't have to go to the gym, because I am getting my cardio and arm work out from picking corn tassles and walking all day
2. I love the water and mud fights
3. It is great to have immature convos with high school boys again
4. Can anyone say Snack Pack! How i have missed school lunch food
5. I am probably the darkest I have been in years
6. I am getting freakin amazing sleep every night
7. I compleatly forgot how much i loved the school bus
8. The more tacky you dress the better
9. Getting to see teachers not in school and finding out how "normal" they are
10. I am getting so much money!!!
Now you are probably all asking yourself "what is this corn thing you speak of?"
Well let me answer that for in the the best way I know how:
-First I have to say that I am NOT picking corn. We join crews and each crew has its own small crew with a crew leader that is usually a teacher (they get the summers off and need something to do besides being lazy bums right?). The people on the crew typically range from 12-22 years of age(except the crew leader the bus driver duh!), and are usually split by ages so that 12 year olds are not picking next to 22 year olds.
We go into SEED CORN and take the tassles out of the female corn stalks so that the male corn can pollinate the female corn and so that the female corn does not pollinate with other females.
Basically we do not want the corn to be homosexual and we want the males to have sex with the females so that it can make more seeds to grow more corn.
So that is were I have been for the past two weeks. Corn and passing out while watching my favourite documentary.
Now i know you are all wanting to run out and join a corn crew after readin this; am i right? haha
But sorry it may not be possible because whenever I mention corn detasseling to anyone further north of where i live, they have no bleedin idea what I am talking about...probably because my area is the largest producers of corn in Canada.
Hope everyone else is getting to enjoy the wonderful and not so wonderful weather as much as I am!

Yay Jesus and corn! My two favourite things...