You know when you love something so much that while you are involved in that certain thing nothing else in the world matters? Well that is how I feel about music.
It is difficult to put into words the way I feel about music. It is almost like an all over bodly peace; your mind can take a break from the daily worries and stresses and just be overcome by the sounds coming out of the speakers. My entire body goes into a state of rest, as the sounds travel from the musicians instuments and vocals into my ears. Following through my veins which warms me up from the inside and fills my soul the way nothing else seems to be able to. I guess you could say I am in love with the music.
Whenever anything goes wrong in my life or I feel overwhelmed with emotions that I wished did not occupy my mind. The sounds of artists like Muddy Waters, Led Zeppelin and The Temptations always seem to be there to remove those emotions and fill their place with satisfaction.
Imagine the world without music! I for one cannot fathom this idea of living in a this twighlight zone! Just really think about it for a moment, what type of world would this be? Do you think their would be more chaos, more depression and loneliness? Do you think that we would not have progressed to the way we are today? Do you think we would still be living in a world full of censorship, (we already have too much in my opinion...i could not imagine more!) inequality in races and genders? Music has had such a large inpact on the earths' population, yet is just passed aside most of the time as just a form of entertainment.
The music industry has mostly moved away from transforming emotions into sounds and has become almost this white noise. It is no longer full of meanings; hurt, anger, love, happiness, loneliness, pain. It is now just a way to make money. A way for beautiful, young people to sing what some 40 year writes, hoping it will be the next 24 hour hit with the teenage population. There is no longer the connection to music anymore. We are so bombarded with this noise, it is coming at us at all directions that it is almost impossible to pick out the good from the bad. There is not enough time to really listen to a piece of music and fall in love with it, because the next day there will be something new for you to hear. 98% of it will not have the lasting power of those that came before this genre of "crap".
After all music is what emotion sounds like!
If you would like to hear real emotion listen to this song, close your eyes and let the music comsume you.
Sex bomb sex bomb, your my sex bomb
In about 4 months from now I will be on a airplane, on my way to the land of the Germans. What will be waiting for me there besides a mother, father and a crying 2 year old? Well there will be a sexy 6 feet tall, dark hair, green eyes and loads of sexual experience, 20 year old guy ;). So as you can imagine i am VERY excited to see him. The last time we saw each other was almost 3 years ago, i was a sexual inexperienced 16 year old girl in a foreign land for the first time by myself. And well...he was very good looking with a sexy deep accent! No we did not have sex, but he was the first person to ever perform oral on me...and my god he was AMAZING!! I am convinced it was because oh the weird "ch" and "r" sounds they make hahaha.
Anyway since i will be going back I have desided that i need to get back into shape before i can let him see me naked again! YIKES! So it is back to the gym for me, and i have been working on my tan (terrible for the skin i know i know). Hopefully i can transform my transparent white skin into something more normally seen on planet earth. But hey if this was the 1800s I would be the sexiest person alive with my pale complexion...unfortunatly it is not, so skin damage here i come!
Don't worry I am not going to lay in a tanning booth (i tried that once and OUCHIE i got a skin rash all over my body).
Two days ago I was babysitting the devil child (my mom, step dad and I call her that because we are convinced she is the spawn of satin!) and this 8 hour day consisted of going swimming in the pool three times, two trips on the bike/walking for me to the park, and jumping on the trampoline. Let me just say my skin does not appreciate it. I wore SPF 45 and still was burnt to a cripst! Now I am a reddish brownie crisp.
So hopefully I will be lovely and tanned as well as ARNOLD! He is Austrian, so if i look like him the German's will find me sexy right?

(Is that the heil hittle sign he is making?)
baby you can turn my on! might get a little too turned on by this video you are about to watch!
Anyway since i will be going back I have desided that i need to get back into shape before i can let him see me naked again! YIKES! So it is back to the gym for me, and i have been working on my tan (terrible for the skin i know i know). Hopefully i can transform my transparent white skin into something more normally seen on planet earth. But hey if this was the 1800s I would be the sexiest person alive with my pale complexion...unfortunatly it is not, so skin damage here i come!
Don't worry I am not going to lay in a tanning booth (i tried that once and OUCHIE i got a skin rash all over my body).
Two days ago I was babysitting the devil child (my mom, step dad and I call her that because we are convinced she is the spawn of satin!) and this 8 hour day consisted of going swimming in the pool three times, two trips on the bike/walking for me to the park, and jumping on the trampoline. Let me just say my skin does not appreciate it. I wore SPF 45 and still was burnt to a cripst! Now I am a reddish brownie crisp.
So hopefully I will be lovely and tanned as well as ARNOLD! He is Austrian, so if i look like him the German's will find me sexy right?

(Is that the heil hittle sign he is making?)
baby you can turn my on! might get a little too turned on by this video you are about to watch!
Fat bottom girls you make the rockin world go round
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Rain drops or roses and whiskers on kittens....These are a few of my favourite things!
Good old Germany, how happy I am to almost be back in your embrace :)
I decided that I am not yet excited enough; so I thought I would remind myself just how wonderful this little country in the center of Europe is. And you may be asking yourself, "well Katie how are you going to do this?" Well with a list of my favourite this about Germany of course!
1. Nudity on day time telvision and in fashion magazines....I always felt like a perve for reading those or watching it in public. Poor sheltered and cencored North America!
2.Being able to drink the tap water!!! It comes directly from springs and tastes like you are drinking a it FABULOUS DARLING!
3. The food!!! I love beer, I love sasuage, I love mustard....I think I found my perfect food land!
4. Oktoberfest ;D. An entire event with the focus on drinking, eating, dancing, getting drunk and signing? Yes please!
5. Making the Germans pronounce Car...seriously try it, they cannot pronounce our "R" sound
6. Christmas Markets! I am excited to be able to participate in a not completely commercialized christmas! And the muled wine with actual chestnuts roasting on an open fire hehe.
7. The mountains; i live in the world flattest area i think! My economic teacher once said "this is the only place your dog could try to run away and you could still see it a mile away!" It sucks, i am origionally from British i need the mountains!!
8. Seeing my old exchange buddies. It has been three years since I have seen any of them!
9. Discos!!! They just now how to party in Germany. Plus I am thinking of dressing total GLAM ROCK and sticking out like a sore thumb haha.
10. Being in the land of the Birkinstocks! I will finally be able to wear mine without people looking at my like I am a dirty Hippy. YAAAAY! I seriously wear mine everyday from spring to winter...I don't know why I own any other summer shoes?

European version of fashion...sans clothing!

My Birks! Ingnore the ships polish and the fact that i look freakishly white...i promise I am not THAT white lol

Picture I took in Ulm...look at all the people!
OHHH and how could I forget about the crazy German music! Here is Rammstein's Du Hast. Check it out, the video kinda creeps me out though haha.
I decided that I am not yet excited enough; so I thought I would remind myself just how wonderful this little country in the center of Europe is. And you may be asking yourself, "well Katie how are you going to do this?" Well with a list of my favourite this about Germany of course!
1. Nudity on day time telvision and in fashion magazines....I always felt like a perve for reading those or watching it in public. Poor sheltered and cencored North America!
2.Being able to drink the tap water!!! It comes directly from springs and tastes like you are drinking a it FABULOUS DARLING!
3. The food!!! I love beer, I love sasuage, I love mustard....I think I found my perfect food land!
4. Oktoberfest ;D. An entire event with the focus on drinking, eating, dancing, getting drunk and signing? Yes please!
5. Making the Germans pronounce Car...seriously try it, they cannot pronounce our "R" sound
6. Christmas Markets! I am excited to be able to participate in a not completely commercialized christmas! And the muled wine with actual chestnuts roasting on an open fire hehe.
7. The mountains; i live in the world flattest area i think! My economic teacher once said "this is the only place your dog could try to run away and you could still see it a mile away!" It sucks, i am origionally from British i need the mountains!!
8. Seeing my old exchange buddies. It has been three years since I have seen any of them!
9. Discos!!! They just now how to party in Germany. Plus I am thinking of dressing total GLAM ROCK and sticking out like a sore thumb haha.
10. Being in the land of the Birkinstocks! I will finally be able to wear mine without people looking at my like I am a dirty Hippy. YAAAAY! I seriously wear mine everyday from spring to winter...I don't know why I own any other summer shoes?

European version of fashion...sans clothing!
My Birks! Ingnore the ships polish and the fact that i look freakishly white...i promise I am not THAT white lol

Picture I took in Ulm...look at all the people!
OHHH and how could I forget about the crazy German music! Here is Rammstein's Du Hast. Check it out, the video kinda creeps me out though haha.
I have an addiction confession...
To documentaries....what did you really think i would air my drug addictions on the internet (not that i have one!!) haha.
Really guys it is getting bad, I am thinking of calling the show intervention to tell them about my problem; I don't think they would laugh at me, do you?
I do believe that I am and will always be; the only person in the history of high school students who did not spend that hour of watching war documentaries in history class: doodling on my binder, sleeping, listening to their ipod or texting.
Seriously i loved those videos. I cannot help it!!
I call it my inner nerd trying to excape :D
So if any of you are like me and have a weird infatuation with these videos, might i suggest a couple of my favs!!!
Evolve: This is kinda cool. I was in the middle of the second episode when i decided that i would not keep these loves to myself. Bassically it is all about how we evolved. If you have strong beliefs in creationism, don't watch cuz you will probably not like it.
The perfect vagina: Such an awsome documentary! As i am sure you have guessed (unless you are unable to read...but then why are you on my blog in that case? hehe) it is all about the female vagina and how influenced we are by "perfect" vaginas seen in porno movies and such.
What's sexy?: Basic idea of this is what makes people attracted to each other. I saw it on television a while ago and was so happy to have found it here!
Sex-Slaves: Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic!!! This is a MUST watch! I have been intrested in the sex trafficing business (sad to hear the word business with those two words together) for a long time. Also check out the movie Human trafficking.
Hard days night: Ok so this is actually a movie more than a documentary, but it is the Beatles so hey i thought i would include it haha. Any Beatles fan should watch....btw the actual group members are in this, not actors thankfully!
No direction home: Really intresting insight on the musical talent, Bob Dylan. A little slow at points but in general it is a good watch.
Gimme shelter: I am sure it will be no secret if you keep following my blog that I am a huge Rock fan! This concert doc is great. It is from the free concert that the Rolling Stones put on that had births, loads of drugs and a stabbing by a member of the Hells Angels. Do not fear it includes lots of filming of the sexy stones boys off stage as well ;)
The secret: I am sure you have heard of the book? Well this is the all of you people out their who hate reading, this is GREAT news for you!!
Metal-A Headbangers journey: So i have not watched this one but I am posting it for the lovely Ginger who commented on my last post about liking heavy metal. You will have to tell me if it is good or not!
Ok i will stop now before I bore you all to death and lose anyone who is thinkign of following.
All of these can be found on
OH and did you know that the Makak monkey has sex on average once every crazy is that! yes i am random i know.
While searching for the links to give all you lovely, I found a few more that I am planning on watching!
Yes it is true my sickness should be stopped, but how can something that feels so right be so wrong?
Random sexy picture of Mick Jagger! Ahhhh. Now back to feeding my addiction
Really guys it is getting bad, I am thinking of calling the show intervention to tell them about my problem; I don't think they would laugh at me, do you?
I do believe that I am and will always be; the only person in the history of high school students who did not spend that hour of watching war documentaries in history class: doodling on my binder, sleeping, listening to their ipod or texting.
Seriously i loved those videos. I cannot help it!!
I call it my inner nerd trying to excape :D
So if any of you are like me and have a weird infatuation with these videos, might i suggest a couple of my favs!!!
Evolve: This is kinda cool. I was in the middle of the second episode when i decided that i would not keep these loves to myself. Bassically it is all about how we evolved. If you have strong beliefs in creationism, don't watch cuz you will probably not like it.
The perfect vagina: Such an awsome documentary! As i am sure you have guessed (unless you are unable to read...but then why are you on my blog in that case? hehe) it is all about the female vagina and how influenced we are by "perfect" vaginas seen in porno movies and such.
What's sexy?: Basic idea of this is what makes people attracted to each other. I saw it on television a while ago and was so happy to have found it here!
Sex-Slaves: Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic!!! This is a MUST watch! I have been intrested in the sex trafficing business (sad to hear the word business with those two words together) for a long time. Also check out the movie Human trafficking.
Hard days night: Ok so this is actually a movie more than a documentary, but it is the Beatles so hey i thought i would include it haha. Any Beatles fan should watch....btw the actual group members are in this, not actors thankfully!
No direction home: Really intresting insight on the musical talent, Bob Dylan. A little slow at points but in general it is a good watch.
Gimme shelter: I am sure it will be no secret if you keep following my blog that I am a huge Rock fan! This concert doc is great. It is from the free concert that the Rolling Stones put on that had births, loads of drugs and a stabbing by a member of the Hells Angels. Do not fear it includes lots of filming of the sexy stones boys off stage as well ;)
The secret: I am sure you have heard of the book? Well this is the all of you people out their who hate reading, this is GREAT news for you!!
Metal-A Headbangers journey: So i have not watched this one but I am posting it for the lovely Ginger who commented on my last post about liking heavy metal. You will have to tell me if it is good or not!
Ok i will stop now before I bore you all to death and lose anyone who is thinkign of following.
All of these can be found on
OH and did you know that the Makak monkey has sex on average once every crazy is that! yes i am random i know.
While searching for the links to give all you lovely, I found a few more that I am planning on watching!
Yes it is true my sickness should be stopped, but how can something that feels so right be so wrong?

You make a dead man cuuum
Ahhh lets take some time out on this wonderful hot (at least in my town) thursday afternoon to listen to some wonderful music. Might i suggest
This little number
or maybe you are in the mood for something more mellow
why not let your mind get lost with the click of a button here
And while you listen to my two songs of the day; the two songs i have been listening to on repeat. Why not let me tell you about some wonderfully random things!
First i Just wanted to give a shout out to this wonderful online shop called . Now I will not be posting about things i win often on this blog, but when i find something so truly creative and cool I just have to tell you wonderful people out their in blog land!
On this site you can actually create your own tee shirts, bags, scarves, tank tops and long sleeve shirts in all sizes and colours! Not only is that col but it is so much fun to do because you can upload pictures and beaded art, felt, almost anything you could think of putting on a shirt. And it is super fast shipping! I got mine in a few days after my order (I live in Canada and they are based In New Jersey!).
This is what i made!


Of course i had to do mine in the theme of Led Zeppelin...I would never expect anything else of myself!
Anyway other news is that I am going to be an Au Pair in GERMANY!!! YAAAAAAY!!!
I am beyond excited for this :D. My mother said she would pay for my plane ticket (so thankful for that one!). I just need to save spending money.
So if you follow my blog expect there to be lots of updates from my new home in Germany where i will be moving to at the very end of september for 9 months (just in time for Oktoberfest!!!!)
Plus i think I will have to pick up something for my lovely blog followers for when i come back to Canada, as a thank you!
I am not sure what it would be yet...but expect it to be German lol.
Well I do't have much to say at this moment. My head is to full of thoughts of Germany and all the boys! I love being the foreign automatically makes you at least 2 points higher on the hotness scale hehe.
This little number
or maybe you are in the mood for something more mellow
why not let your mind get lost with the click of a button here
And while you listen to my two songs of the day; the two songs i have been listening to on repeat. Why not let me tell you about some wonderfully random things!
First i Just wanted to give a shout out to this wonderful online shop called . Now I will not be posting about things i win often on this blog, but when i find something so truly creative and cool I just have to tell you wonderful people out their in blog land!
On this site you can actually create your own tee shirts, bags, scarves, tank tops and long sleeve shirts in all sizes and colours! Not only is that col but it is so much fun to do because you can upload pictures and beaded art, felt, almost anything you could think of putting on a shirt. And it is super fast shipping! I got mine in a few days after my order (I live in Canada and they are based In New Jersey!).
This is what i made!
Of course i had to do mine in the theme of Led Zeppelin...I would never expect anything else of myself!
Anyway other news is that I am going to be an Au Pair in GERMANY!!! YAAAAAAY!!!
I am beyond excited for this :D. My mother said she would pay for my plane ticket (so thankful for that one!). I just need to save spending money.
So if you follow my blog expect there to be lots of updates from my new home in Germany where i will be moving to at the very end of september for 9 months (just in time for Oktoberfest!!!!)
Plus i think I will have to pick up something for my lovely blog followers for when i come back to Canada, as a thank you!
I am not sure what it would be yet...but expect it to be German lol.
Well I do't have much to say at this moment. My head is to full of thoughts of Germany and all the boys! I love being the foreign automatically makes you at least 2 points higher on the hotness scale hehe.
i still don't hear her, i still can't hear her, i don't deserve her

Best new ablum of 2010 is 100% without a single doubt in my star filled dazed mind, Slash's newest solo self titled album "Slash". It is BRILLIANT! Truly inspiring to listen to and one of the best albums i have not only heard in 2010 but probably the past 12 months.
My top three picks for those who have to heard this masterpiece called an album would be:
1. Mother Maria: Feat. Beth Heart
2. Ghost: Feat Ian Astbury and Izzy Stradlin
3. By the sword: Feat Andrew Stockdale
This album jam packed with fantastic musical talents and geniuses (except Fergie....sorry but I have never been of fan of her, and her voice in the song beautiful dangerous just does not measure up to the other strong vocals. She needs to stick to what she does best...pelvic thrusts and talking about how glamorous and fergalicious she is while her London Bridge falls donw; NOT Rock and Roll!).
This album for me is the equivalent of finding a beautiful girl with brains, carisma and the drive for bigger and better thing. It does not just rest on the fact that it has well known musicians to perform on it. It takes these people's unique talents and twists them into something I could listen to over and over!
Slash when he was young...le sigh in the most fangirl way!

The song with Andrew Stockdale (best known as the vocalist for Wolfmother)which he lends his voice to, actually caught my attention because the voice to me is like a mix between Robert Plant and Captan Beefheart! You can really hear Beafheart in the begining instrumental and the way the voice slides around from note to note. Maybe that is just me! But I think the voicals are fraken FABULOUS ;)
I am crossing my fingers that Slash comes my way soon. That would be an insane concert....almost as insane as the Alice Cooper and Robert Zombie concert this summer.

Yes Ozzy is on the new album! Can you understand what he is saying? Hell no! Is it a fantastic song? Fuck YES!
Place your mouse here and press the left button to listen to one of my fav songs...You know you wanna!

OH my sugar bellied happiness!!! The two remaining members of the doors are coming to my town n August!!! I just bought the tickets today! Even though my mom, brother and step dad are coming i cannot complain because they bought my ticket!! I feel so happy and so at peace and alive at the same time. I had to write about this in my journal and than i remembered that I just opened a blog i HAD to write about it in here!
I feel like i am finally on my way to living the rock life that I dream about so many nights, with my head rested on my fluffy pillow and the comforts of my cary grant and marilyn monroe pictures looking down upon me.
I just feel like my life is finally starting! Like I am finally able to know that feeling? It is amazing how alive music makes me feel! I want to meet them and pick apart their brain sooo bad!
Ahhhh my dream rock life is finally starting to unfold :D
I'm with the band

Ok so not me personally (i wish!) but the book by the lovely Pamela De Barres. I have to say that at first i was a little skeptical of a book like this one. A groupie from the 60s and 70s publishing a tell all. But i have to admit that it is fantastic! Full of juicy dirt and loads of information. But what makes it truly unique to a lot of other past groupie tell all is the fact that she does not just talk about the famous men she has hooked up with!
Currently on page 204 of 320 pages and i cannot stop reading! Her ability to capture your attention with her unique sense of writting is inspiring and addictive! It is like peaking into the private life of someone. Like stealing your older sisters diary when you were younger and gawking over all the things she writes.
I find Miss Pamela to be inspirational! She is not shy away about her "intresting" past. She puts it out for the whole world to see. Talking about sex and how amazing it is. Seeing the stuggles a young woman faces with getting to know herself and not truly understanding the opposite sex.
This is for sure a must read!!! And i don't really rank books a lot but this would for sure be a 4 out of 5 stars.
Welcome to the world wide web!
So you may not...ok you do not know much about me. Well neither do I actually! I am a university drop out who wants so much from life but don't know where to start.
So as a new blogger I have no idea what to do on this magical machine that sends my thoughts to thousands of readers. (ok maybe not yet but a girl can dream!)
But what i do know is I have lots of opinions and lots of ideas. A mind and heart of a writter but the grammer of a second grader.
But enough about me as a person...lets get to the good stuff
Ok not my actual sex life or lack there of at the moment...
I want to talk about the man of my dreams, the hunkalishus, perfect haired, sexiest man of my dreams (who according to my dreams is in love with me as well)

I know ladies...and gentlemen he is infact the sexiest man to walk the face of the earth!!!
Now i am not going to get into too much detail about my immaginary romance with him, but let me just say that if i were alive in the 60's and 70's i would have been his number one groupie!
Oh hell! I still want to be his groupie even though he is more than three times my age

I remember the first time i saw him. I was 15 and my now step father and mother went to see him in concert when he came to Toronto. I knew nothing about him and had limited knowledge of the amazing sound of Led Zeppelin and the beauty of his voice. Before going to the concert my step dad, steve, bought the new album "Rising Sand" (If you have not hear it GO LISTEN NOW seriously stop readng my blog and go listen!
Anyway back to the story
After listening to the CD i became facinated by the unique voice that belonged to this man. But it was not until university that i really started to think of him in a sexual way. I was sitting in Music and Pop culture...and yes if you were wondering it was the most amazing class ever offered at a university! We were watching a video when this man with the most gorgeous head of hair. I was entranced by him....BUT i think i was the only one. As soon as he came on everyone (all 500 students) started to laugh. I have no idea why....i am going to stick with the fact that they were just jealous of his lovely locks haha.
And year later i think that my infatuation for him has turned into a full force have to meet him or I will die. Ok probably not die but I would be devistated if i never got to meet my idol!! I am seriously considering leaving for England and persue him. I don't think that is too forward, do you? What i would give to be his groupie :D
Now i know a lot of people think that it is wrong to be a groupie...please feel free to voice your opinion! We are all free to think what we want and live the life we choose. Some of us would just rather live that life with beautiful boys playing beautiful music!
yes i actually did just write my first ever blog post about wanting to be Robert Plant's groupie!
So as a new blogger I have no idea what to do on this magical machine that sends my thoughts to thousands of readers. (ok maybe not yet but a girl can dream!)
But what i do know is I have lots of opinions and lots of ideas. A mind and heart of a writter but the grammer of a second grader.
But enough about me as a person...lets get to the good stuff
Ok not my actual sex life or lack there of at the moment...
I want to talk about the man of my dreams, the hunkalishus, perfect haired, sexiest man of my dreams (who according to my dreams is in love with me as well)

I know ladies...and gentlemen he is infact the sexiest man to walk the face of the earth!!!
Now i am not going to get into too much detail about my immaginary romance with him, but let me just say that if i were alive in the 60's and 70's i would have been his number one groupie!
Oh hell! I still want to be his groupie even though he is more than three times my age

I remember the first time i saw him. I was 15 and my now step father and mother went to see him in concert when he came to Toronto. I knew nothing about him and had limited knowledge of the amazing sound of Led Zeppelin and the beauty of his voice. Before going to the concert my step dad, steve, bought the new album "Rising Sand" (If you have not hear it GO LISTEN NOW seriously stop readng my blog and go listen!
Anyway back to the story
After listening to the CD i became facinated by the unique voice that belonged to this man. But it was not until university that i really started to think of him in a sexual way. I was sitting in Music and Pop culture...and yes if you were wondering it was the most amazing class ever offered at a university! We were watching a video when this man with the most gorgeous head of hair. I was entranced by him....BUT i think i was the only one. As soon as he came on everyone (all 500 students) started to laugh. I have no idea why....i am going to stick with the fact that they were just jealous of his lovely locks haha.
And year later i think that my infatuation for him has turned into a full force have to meet him or I will die. Ok probably not die but I would be devistated if i never got to meet my idol!! I am seriously considering leaving for England and persue him. I don't think that is too forward, do you? What i would give to be his groupie :D
Now i know a lot of people think that it is wrong to be a groupie...please feel free to voice your opinion! We are all free to think what we want and live the life we choose. Some of us would just rather live that life with beautiful boys playing beautiful music!
yes i actually did just write my first ever blog post about wanting to be Robert Plant's groupie!
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